Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Now Accepting Submissions to the Annual Youth Art Contest!

The Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art is holding its 17th Annual Youth Art Contest. The theme is “North America’s Natural Beauty,” and submissions are being accepted until Tuesday, June 1, 2010.

Aspiring artists in grades 1 through 12 (or equivalent) are encouraged to enter the contest, and all entrants will receive a Ned Smith Center Signature Series patch. All art should feature wildlife or plants that are native to North America and any piece featuring species not native to North America will be disqualified.

Entries are categorized by the artist’s age: 1st – 3rd grade, 4th – 6th grade, 7th – 9th grade and 10th – 12th grade, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners and an honorable mention winner will be selected from each category. Certificates and ribbons will be awarded at the Ned Smith Center Nature and Arts Festival on July 31, 2010, and the winning entries will be on display at the Ned Smith Center during the Festival.

All entries must be submitted with an official entry form, which is available for download on the Ned Smith Center website. Complete art contest rules are available on the Ned Smith Center website as well.

Questions about the art contest should be directed to Beth Sanders, Director of Education at 717-692-3699.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Create a "friendly landscape" at the 12th Annual Native Plant Sale on May 8!

The Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art and Meadowood Nursery have teamed up to present Ned Smith Center’s 12th Annual Native Plant Sale on Saturday, May 8 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The event is rain or shine!

Now in it’s twelfth year, the Ned Smith Center’s annual native plant sale has grown into one of the largest of its kind in central Pennsylvania, with a huge selection of native wildflowers, ferns, grasses, trees and shrubs, all chosen for their beauty, hardiness and wildlife value.

Native gardening experts will be on hand to answer questions and help you select the right plants for your gardens. All plants are nursery propagated.

Ned Smith Center is very excited to partner with Meadowood Nursery for this event. Located in Hummelstown, Meadowood’s mission is centered on promoting awareness of the many benefits of “going native” when it comes to home gardening. Native plants offer benefits in providing habitat and food for birds and other wildlife, conserving water resources, thriving in diverse soil and weather conditions, and more. To learn more about Meadowood Nursery, visit meadowoodnursery.com.

Please be advised that due to construction at the end of Water Company Road, visitors to the Center must follow detour signs. The Center IS open for business during construction.