Well, summer's a busy time here at the Center, and this week is no exception!
If you haven't yet seen Joel Sartore's Fragile Nature exhibit, you have until this Sunday, June 13 to see it. This magnificent collection of photography by renowned photographer Joel Sartore chronicles his many experiences behind the lens for National Geographic. Admission to the Olewine Gallery is $5 general admission, $2 for seniors and free to members and children under 12.
And for all of you shutterbugs out there, join PA Game Commission wildlife conservation educator and photographer Joe Kosak for a program called "Moments Captured Through the Lens" on Thursday, June 10 at 7 p.m. in the Center's Education Room. Joe's images of the wild places he has visited will astound and educate in this energetic program. Admission to "Moments Captured Through the Lens" is free to members and children under 12, $3 otherwise.
Thursday is also Ned Smith Night at Harrisburg Shakespeare Company's Free Shakespeare in the Park in Reservoir Park in Harrisburg! The Center is excited to continue its partnership with Gamut Theatre Group (home of Harrisburg Shakespeare Company and Popcorn Hat Players Children's Theatre) with this special night of Shakespeare under the stars. This year's production is the crowd-pleasing comedy As You Like It, and if you can't make it on Thursday, the show will be performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. from June 9-19. More info can be found on HSC's website.
As always, feel free to contact us at 717-692-3699 or info@nedsmithcenter.org with any questions. Hope to see you soon!