Thursday, December 23, 2010

Construction Update!

Despite the freezing weather, the construction team poured the concrete for the Bradenbaugh-Hottenstein Collections Wing! Check out the photos below.

It looks like a building!

If you look really closely in the above photo, you can see a stream of concrete being poured!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Still Shopping? Our Gift Shop is Full of New Items for the Holidays!

Season's Greetings, friends of the Ned Smith Center!

If you're still shopping for holiday gifts, stop by the Ned Smith Center's gift shop for some new and unique items!

We have many new additions to the shop, including handmade jewelry; handpainted walking sticks, rocks, feathers; and a lovely collection of handmade pottery!

Click here to see photos of some of the new items in the gift shop!

And like everything in the Ned Smith Center gift shop, these items are reasonably priced and are even LESS expensive if you are a member of the Center. Memberships start at just $25 per year and come with tons of great benefits. Learn more on our website!

And while you're at the gift shop, be sure to check out the Olewine Gallery exhibit, Andy Goldsworthy: Moments in Time, which has just been extended through January 8, 2011. Don't miss this breathtaking exhibit!

Thank you so much for your support of the Center in 2010, and we're looking forward to an exciting 2011.

Your friends at the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art

Monday, December 6, 2010

Building Wing Construction Update... with PHOTOS!

Despite the chilly weather, we have been making great progress in the construction of the new Bradenbaugh-Hottenstein Collections Wing!

The concrete foundation will be poured very soon, which will allow the workers to work through the winter! We anticipate the new wing will be open in May 2011!

Stay tuned for additional updates and more photos as we make more progress!