Friday, March 18, 2011

Construction Update!

It's a beautiful day, so we couldn't resist taking a walk and taking some photos of the construction!

The first peek at the 2nd floor of the building wing, which will include the new Ned Smith gallery and collections storage area.

The roof!

Enjoy this beautiful springlike weather - the trails are gorgeous and the air is fresh and sweet at the Ned Smith Center.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Construction Update!

We haven't done a construction update on the Center's blog in a while, but that doesn't mean that we're not making progress! Thanks to the miracles of modern technology, construction on the new Bradenbaugh-Hottenstein Arts and Education Collections Wing has continued throughout the winter!

The view of the new wing from the parking lot.

Lower level - it's pretty muddy back here!

The future women's restroom!

This will become the Center's very own observational beehive!

The Lorena Feidt Lemons Educational Suite